Featured product

Offerwall SDK

Our OfferWall SDK runs on both Android and iOS games as well as reward apps. Our SDK is lightweight and easy to integrate. Let us help you increase your revenues.

Specific Advantages

coins Lightweight

A lightweight and seamless monetization solution for apps and games, our SDK is perfect for publishers who want to implement an offerwall that won’t weigh your game or app down. 

mobile phone Native in the App

One significant advantage of our SDK-integrated Offerwall is its native integration with your app or game, delivering an uninterrupted and cohesive user experience.

How It Works

0 1
Users choose to open Torox’s
offerwall from within your
website or app.
0 2
They are presented with
various campaigns, offers,
and surveys.
0 3
Then, they can sort and filter the wall in order to find the best offers that suit them the most.
0 4
They complete the required
action of the campaign.
0 5
The users are credited with
your virtual currency.