

Kill Time, Productively


Qmee, a well-established market research and cashback platform, sought to diversify its monetization strategy while preserving a seamless user experience. In a highly competitive market, the company aimed to introduce new revenue streams without compromising its core business model. Qmee’s commitment to user-centricity remained a central focus throughout this endeavor.


Qmee understood that users’ time on their platform was a valuable asset. They needed a monetization strategy that resonated with users while avoiding intrusive ad formats that could disrupt the user experience. The challenge was to identify a monetization method that complemented Qmee’s core services in market research and cashback rewards.


Qmee has found a solution in Torox’s API, which allowed them to integrate banner promotions seamlessly and natively into its platform. Torox provided a nonintrusive approach to advertising, aligning with Qmee’s user-centric philosophy. 

Torox’s technology ensured that the ad promotions were relevant, engaging, and suited the users’ interests, enhancing the overall user journey.


Qmee’s strategic partnership with Torox and the implementation of Torox’s offerwall and API banner promotions delivered remarkable results:

25% Increase in ARPDAU: Qmee active user base has experienced significant growth, demonstrating enhanced monetization efficiency.

15% Growth in Ad Revenue: Qmee’s ad revenue surged by a notable 15%, surpassing the quarterly revenue targets.

Improved User Experience: Torox’s technology provided the users with more ways to engage with Qmee’s platform, creating a seamless and enjoyable ad experience. User satisfaction and loyalty were consistently high.

Diversified Monetization: The integration of Torox’s offerwall and API banner promotions allowed Qmee to diversify its revenue streams while strengthening its core market research and cashback services.